Wednesday, 12 January 2011

The Month of January

This isn’t my favourite time of the year, the dull and dead time that is January. No plants are growing, the landscape is brown and lifeless, the winter is cold and dull, and everything feels on holding, waiting for the year to start. Work is lifeless, no one is making plans or decisions. I always feel I’m just treading water, waiting for something to happen, in January.

Also, few publishers seem interested in submissions to them in January. Fortunately, this year, my writing career hasn’t got off to a slow start. I’ve got three different commissions for articles, all of which are due the end of this month and the beginning of the next. So I’m busy writing them.

I’ve also submitted an essay for an anthology. The book’s theme is about defining moments, that moment in our lives when an event or an encounter leaves a lasting impression or even changes our lives.

Please visit it and leave a comment, I’m sure that the pieces that get the most attention stand the best chance of being included in the anthology.

January is supposed to be the month were we look forward and back, I’ve being doing that. The three articles I’m writing are all advice articles, looking forward to improve someone’s life or situation. The essay I’ve submitted is looking back on something that happened to me as a teenager.

But I’m still looking forward to spring, at least our garden will have some life in it.
