For most of my working life I’ve worked for the NHS, for
different organisations and different Trusts, in a lot of different jobs. My
very first job, even I trained as a nurse, was working for the NHS, it was back
in 1984 and it was entering data into a computer, in an old prefab building in
the grounds of a Liverpool suburban hospital.
I have seen many changes in the NHS over the years, many
Governments have “reformed” it, and there have been many changes to its
structure, and many of these changes have not been for the best. The one thing
that has always been a constant is the staff. The NHS is the biggest employer
in the country, and is the fifth biggest employer in the world (1), its staff
are its biggest resource. An empty hospital never made anyone well, it’s the
staff that work there that do.
So what is it like to work for this huge institution?

The latest Staff Survey (3) paints a picture of staff who enjoy
their work and value working for the NHS. 75% see the NHS’s priority as patient
care and 75% are enthusiastic about their jobs (4); 59% of staff said they
always look forward to going to work and 60% would recommend the organisation
they work for as a good place to work (4). Staff still value the NHS and enjoy
their work. Sir Robert Frances (the QC who chaired the enquiry into the Mid
Staffordshire scandal) said that the NHS was only being held together by the
“superhuman efforts” of its staff (5).
So the NHS is a great place to work in for everyone. Well yes
and no. Unfortunately, it is not the same for everyone.
Black and ethnic minority staff (BME) are much more likely to
be bullied and harassed by white colleagues and managers, the first national
review by NHS England (6) found. It found one trust were BME staff experienced
twice as much harassment from colleagues than white staff, and in over 80% for
Trusts BME staff faced far higher levels of discrimination from managers than
their white colleagues. Yet levels of
harassment from relatives and the public were the same for BME staff and
non-BME staff (6).
In 2014 a damning report was published into the state of BME
staff in the NHS, called The Snowy White Peaks of the NHS (7), a title
that is more than ironic. Its findings are very uncomfortable. In all the NHS
Trusts serving London, the most racially mixed city in the country, the vast
majority of leaders were white. This was repeated at national level, with key
NHS organisations and healthcare regulators having very few BME staff in top
leadership roles. Only 3% of Directors of Nursing being BME nurses, a figure
that had not changed in ten years. The number of BME nurse managers fell from
8.7% in 2007 down to 7.8% in 2012, with few BME nurses at Band 7 and 8 (7); 14%
of the population of England and Wales is non-white (8).
This report maybe three years old but we just have to think
about our own Trusts, how many of the senior managers are non-white. In the
Trust I work the senior management is very white experience.
But it isn’t just racism that NHS staff face, the organisation
is not free from homophobia either.
In 2015 Stonewall (the LGBT campaigning organisation)
published Unhealthy Attitudes (9),
their report
into the treatment of LGBT health and social care staff; and it
was shocking reading. It found that one in four people (25%) had heard a
colleague make negative or homophobic statements about LGBT people, and one in
five (20%) had hear negative statements about trans people. A quarter (25%) of
them had been the victims of homophobic bullying from patients and service
users, and 10% had heard colleagues make claims that LGBT people can be
These statists may sound cold but the report also carried the
realities behind them, it was full of personal quotes. The nurse who was told
he should be hung for being gay, by another nurse. A nurse's manager told her
that homophobic comments were “only banter”. A nurse who was ostracised by his
whole staff team, at work and socially, when it came out he's gay. And many
comments were trans people are called “it” or “she-male”. Then there were the NHS staff who almost
wore their homophobia as a badge of pride. A Healthcare Assistant who said
people are not born LGBT but “choose” this “lifestyle”. A doctor referring to
anyone he doesn't consider “normal” as “deviants” whose needs shouldn't be
“forced” on the majority.
This year’s Stonewall Top 100 Employers list (The top 100
employers who have worked to be inclusive and to be a safe place for LGBT people
to work) is out (10), and only seven of them were Health and Social Care
organisations. None of the top ten organisations were an NHS ones, and only one
of the top fifty was an NHS organisation, St Andrews Healthcare at number 43. None
of the big NHS Trusts or any of the famous ones even made it onto the list.
This speaks volumes about how seriously NHS organisations take LGBT
How has the NHS got into this situation? Unfortunately, it
reflects the wider society we live in, with all its prejudices and
discriminations. We still do not value difference in people. NHS senior
management is still dominated by white heterosexual people, and too often they
promote people like themselves. We still often only pay lip-service to
diversity, seeing as a tick box on the mandatory training list. My own diversity
training this year was an online presentation, that took 15 minutes and it
covered all “minorities”.
We need a culture that values all NHS staff, and values the
differences people can bring to their roles. LGBT and BME people are part of
our society that the NHS serves. If the NHS does not value and encourage its own
LGBT and BME staff then how can we say we can offer non-discriminatory care to
LGBT and BME patients?
The NHS is a far more positive place to work then it was in
1984 (When I first worked for it) but it still has far to go, though on the
other hand there are worse employers to work for.
Drew Payne
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